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We cordially invite you to attend our joint workshop that will be held in Tokyo from October 31st to November 6th 2023.

During this workshop, we aim to present some of the IIS and GSE advanced research programs and their recent innovations to our French UTC colleagues. In parallel, we would like to show examples of existing collaborations between French and Japanese structures between UTC, IIS, and GSE.

Therefore, we offer you to attend high-level conferences including thematic on mobility and transport, health technology related to biosensors and smart biodevices (October 31st), Integrative bioengineering and tissue engineering (November 1st), energy harvesting, micromanipulation, soft electronics (November 1st).  Lab tours for the UTC delegation will be organized in the afternoons of November 1st (Komaba campus, mobility center, precision engineering, thermal science, blood vessel engineering) and November 2nd(Hongo campus, MEMS and micro-robotics, biohybrid system). In addition, time for scientific discussion will be arranged during lunch and dinner sessions. Then, the UTC delegation will have a dedicated visit to the service of science and technology of the Ambassade de France and to the CNRS office of Japan and North Asia (November 2nd). 


Finally, a discussion between the president of The University of Tokyo and the president of the Université de Technologie de Compiègne on November 6th will conclude the agenda. The overall purpose of this workshop is thus to develop collaborative research programs with high potential impact on science, technology, and innovation and to build a new consortium between French-Japanese players of UTC, IIS, GSE, and CNRS.


The Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) at The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) is the largest university-affiliated research institute in Japan. With a commitment to pursuing academic truth, the UTokyo-IIS carries out a wide range of research and educational activities, such as cross-disciplinary research that transcends academic boundary, which is a traditional feature of the UTokyo-IIS, as well as practical industry-academic collaboration, international collaboration, and hands-on research aimed at social implementation.

The Graduate School of Engineering (GSE) of The University of Tokyo has 18 departments featuring principal engineering technology spanning a wide range of fields. The objective of the graduate school education is the acquisition of a more advanced degree of engineering knowledge and research ability. In particular, future research and development is carried out autonomously in the Doctoral program, with an aim to also acquire leadership ability.


The Université de Technologie de Compiègne (UTC) is both a French national university and an engineering school, with autonomous training and customized pedagogy and an innovation-intensive, interdisciplinary technological research program. Eight research units (among them 3 are joint with CNRS) form the core of UTC’s research potential, covering various scientific research areas: applied mathematics, bioengineering, computer sciences, mechanics, chemical engineering, social sciences, and urban systems.


The Université de Technologie de Compiègne and The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) collaborate since 2018 via a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with the Institute of Industrial Science and since 2019 with the Graduate School of Engineering via a second joint MOU. The collaboration is illustrated by internship students’ mobility, joint PhD research projects, a joint research program on organoids (DOT), a winter school co-organized with LIMMS/Smmile at Lille and Compiegne, and various international lectures and classes by UTokyo and UTC Professors

Furthermore, a part of this collaboration is also performed in link with the LIMMS (Laboratory of Integrated Micro Mechatronic Systems) that is a joint laboratory between CNRS and the Institute of Industrial Sciences of The University of Tokyo, Japan, with the special support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Since its creation in 1995, the laboratory combines the expertise of French and Japanese scientists in the field of Micro and Nanotechnologies and Bio-MEMS. In April 2004, the laboratory acquired the status of International Research Laboratory from both CNRS (IRL 2820) and IIS.

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